A-Game BJJ Sound Design for Intro Video

Brand Sound Design


This is an introduction video for A-Game BJJ, a side project of mine. The animation was created by Tim Hashko (steamingkettle.net), and I designed the audio. I experimented with various sound effects and methods to get the right sound. I wanted something earthy and strong, but also clear and thoughtful. The final sound effect is a kettlebell scraping against the …

Bigfoot Yancey EP Welcome to the City Music Recording Music Production Ryan Sellick

Music Recording/Production – 2015

RyanAudio, Music

Bigfoot Yancey is a folk Americana band from Indianapolis, Indiana. These talented gentleman are also friends of mine! I was pretty stoked when they asked me to help them with some music recording. My equipment was limited, and the space wasn’t ideal, but I made do. I used several different microphones on the band to capture a live performance of …

Status Foe Website Design – 2019


Status Foe is a progressive rock project in Indianapolis, Indiana. The artist asked me to create a website promoting the new album. I decided to go with a clean, minimalist, and understated design to highlight the band’s aesthetic. The website was developed using WordPress. You can view the website at statusfoe.co/. Website DesignWordPress AdministrationLayout DesignCheck it out!

Music Video Production – 2017

RyanMusic, Video

I helped my friend Jessica Haeckel (Gemiinii Riisiing) create this music video. Jessica has been creating music videos and performing covers for her YouTube audience for over 10 years. She approached me with the song about 80% complete, and had a specific vision for the music video. I helped her finish the song and complete this vision. With her guidance, …

Ryan Sellick Graphic Design Layout Design for Extreme Grappling Open Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tournament

Super EGO Postcard Design – 2016

RyanGraphic Design

This is a postcard design I created for Extreme Grappling Open, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tournament event in Indianapolis, Indiana. The tournament director wanted a comic book feel for this postcard. I watched a few Photoshop tutorials on YouTube and combined a few different visual treatments to achieve this effect. Once this postcard design was approved, I prepared the final print …

Postcard Design for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Grappling Tournament

Throwback EGO Postcard Design – 2016

RyanGraphic Design

I created this postcard design for Extreme Grappling Open, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu grappling tournament in Indianapolis, Indiana. The tournament director requested a throwback 90’s feel for this postcard. Once this postcard design was approved, I prepared the final print file and merged it with the company’s mailing list using Adobe InDesign. This postcard was sent to over 2,000 recipients across …

Ice Trike Treats Logo Design by Ryan Sellick

Logo Design – 2016

RyanGraphic Design

A local Indianapolis ice cream cart business owner contacted me about designing a logo for his cart and T-Shirts. After some discussion, we agreed to give the logo a bit of 60’s vintage look to it. Admittedly, I don’t have much hands-on experience creating logos, but I do understand what makes a good logo. After some research, I created dozens …