Extreme Grappling Open Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tournament Flyer Postcard Design Graphic Design by Ryan Sellick

EGO Postcard Design – 2016

RyanGraphic Design

Extreme Grappling Open Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tournament Flyer Postcard Design Graphic Design by Ryan SellickExtreme Grappling Open Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tournament Flyer Postcard Design Graphic Design by Ryan Sellick

This is a postcard designed for Extreme Grappling Open, advertising three grappling tournaments. This postcard design gives the recipients all the pending dates for the year as well as the details for the first grappling tournament. The tournament director also wanted to advertise a special "EGO Maniac Price" to encourage people to buy the package deal.

Once this postcard design was approved, I prepared the final print file and merged it with the company’s mailing list using Adobe InDesign. This postcard was sent to over 2,000 recipients across the Midwest United States.

  • Graphic Design
  • Postcard Design
  • Layout Design
  • Mail Merge

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